The wonderful side effects of podcasting

Uncategorized Jan 24, 2020



In this episode of Rock Your Mic Right, Karly is doing a self promotion. She is talking about Frequency and the wonderful side effects of podcasting. She shares stories of three students who joined Frequency last round for the startup group.


01:25 – When you actually go live it is life changing

02:35 – Karly is sharing three of the students who joined Frequency

04:29 – „Having the ongoing support has been a really huge deal“

06:31 – „Karly helped me over last six months to find my voice and to refine my message“

09:55 – „This experience has been very powerful to me“

12:47 – Karly is talking about Frequency and what is included in the program


To connect with Karly follow her on instagram, or drop her a line with your topic ideas and questions at

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